Introduction to the podcasts of the narrated talks of Eugene Halliday by the actor David Fielder.
I hope you enjoy these podcasts as much as I have, they were created during lockdown so Eugenes work could be offered in new format while we were all restricted in our movements.
Eugene Halliday (1911–1987) was a British artist, writer and teacher. For a large part of his life he lived and taught in Manchester running groups and giving guidance and personal tuition to a large number of interested people. He was a gifted artist, a writer of books, plays and poetry as well as possessing a profound understanding of philosophy, religion and the science of his day. His legacy is extensive with 15 books published and many other writings and over 250 recorded talks. Much of his work centred on his interpretation of the esoteric ideas behind religion.
Halliday gave the term “absolute sentient power” to what we would call God and said that sentience and thus consciousness was an inherent quality of this power and by extension of all beings. Beings, including ourselves are modalities of this power which we feel as a field of energy. The goal and purpose of life is to grow towards an awareness of our true nature which is not different from this field and the absolute sentient power itself. This consciousness he called reflexive self-consciousness. The force which calls and drives beings to work is Love – which he defined as “a will to work for the development of the potentialities of all beings.” Because of his own understanding and wisdom he valued individuality and encouraged others to discover their own valid way to reveal reflexivity to themselves.
Please note that further information can be found at www.eugenehalliday.com/welcome
On the website, there are links for you to freely download full transcripts of all of the talks available here. eugenehalliday.com encourages dialogue and would warmly welcome opening a dialogue with anyone who has an interest in wanting to discuss the contents of eugenehalliday.com further.